Monday, March 29, 2010

Spiritual Warfare-Part II

At this time, I am still trying to finish the "Ethiopia Mission Manifesto,"( or whatever I am going to call it later on...) my report containing precious and privileged details about our trip, for my gracious sponsors and precious prayer partners to look through. The thing is, I am having a hard time, at this writing, concentrating for even 30 minutes on it. Life has sucked me back in, and perhaps with a vengeance! Going back to work was coated with a plethora of demands, not HUGE, but the surprises are still there- (not that I am surprised..:-) People accusing me of stuff, redundant disciplinary procedures, and clients who may have wanted to quit on me because they thought I was going to DIE, or leave the United States for good- stuff that I can only expect to surface while I am busy with a missionary trip- the devils way of saying "welcome back...punk." Ha!
Well, I am still going to love everyone, and that is final. "Whatever..." seems to be the key word of this day and age. But I just dislike to use it as much as I dislike bully "supervisors."
Well anyway, I am just venting, but I will soon have this Journal ready, and I would like your prayer for my protection as I complete this and more work of Gods kingdom on earth in practice. The devil and the world have a thick hold on the city where I live.. and that is one of the first observations I realize over again when I come back home from a mission trip. It was 10 days in this case, of mostly total surrendering and concentration on God, and doing His work, and being around mature Christian believers- what a
blessing! They have all been instrumental in the blessings I received resulting from this trip- Gods love at work. I take no credit for having done anything good on this trip or any trip to any third world country for that matter. I can only stand there, and watch Gods power change lives, and move mountains, and decimate strongholds of despair, fear, anger, envy, bitterness, and strife- mouths are open, and God wants to feed people. That is the beautiful take away here, among many, many other things.

"Brother... you know, we cannot do without Him, and He cannot do without us." ~George Cutting (to Watchman Nee)

1 comment:

  1. Interesting, very interesting.You know you are really blessed. I am looking forward to reading the rest of your article when it comes out. What you are doing is really good and I applaud you for it. But the devil is being ticked off hence the counter attack. The more you do the more the attacks will be but don't give up. You know the world hates you because you are not of it and you will be persecuted but don't let anyone separate you from the love of Jesus. Stay strong and remember God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and self control (II Tim 1:7).
